
Dr Arman Mashayekhi


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Dr Arman Mashayekhi is specialized in the field of ophthalmologists. He is practising in Jacksonville- Mayo Clinic. He has his medical degree from Shiraz University of medical sciences. Dr Arman is certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology, PA state Medical License, DC State Medical License, VA State Medical License, MD State Medical License and FL State Medical License. He diagnoses and treats patients-related eyes including vision loss, detached retinas, cataracts and glaucoma.
Dr Arman also performs laser retina surgery, lens replacement operations and refractive surgery.


Q What is the name of hospital to which Dr Arman Mashayekhi is associated?

Dr Arman Mashayekhi is associated with Mayo Clinic-Jacksonville.

Q What is the area of specialization of Dr Arman Mashayekhi?

Dr Arman Mashayekhi is specialized in the field of ophthalmology. He treats patients having problems related to the eyes.
