
Dr Amtul Aala, MD


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Dr Amtul Aala is specialized in nephrology in Boston, Massachusetts. She is associated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. She is in practice in the field of nephrology. Dr Amtul has been in practice for 11-20 years. She completed her medical school at Rawalpindi Medical College and her Residency, Internal Medicine, 2012-2015 from Hackensack University Medical Center/Englewood Hospital and Medical Center. Dr Amtul has done her fellowship at John Hopkins Hospital. She is also certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in the field of internal medicine and Nephrology. He mainly specialized in kidney and pancreas transplantation.


Q What is the name of the hospital to which Dr. Amtul Aala is associated?

Dr. Amtul Aala is associated with Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Q What is the area of specialization of Dr. Amtul Aala?

Dr Amtul Aala is practising in the field of Nephrology. She is in practice for problems related to kidney and pancreas.
