
Bon Secours St. Francis Health System

Bon Secours St. Francis Health System

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Ben Secours St. Francis Health Systems is the best in Greenville, South Carolina Hospitals. This healthcare unit operates 11 different performing procedures and conditions. It has various surgical and medical facilities for various health issues. The various health issues which are treated here include allergy, back & neck care, weight loss program, mental & behavioral health, etc. The hospital is committed to providing service to all who need our care and help, especially the poor, underserved, and dying. The physicians, nurses, and healthcare givers embrace the calling entrusted to them, providing compassionate healing and service. It also specializes in Foot, Ankle, Hand& wrist surgery Orthopedic Pediatric, Heart disease electrophysiology Neonatology Pulmonology Liver & lung care.


Q How many beds does St Francis Hospital Greenville SC have?

St. Francis Hospital has around 245 hospital beds that are fully equipped with all the latest facilities and equipment.

Q How the appointment can be taken?

The appointment can be taken from the website or by calling on the registered mobile number of the hospital.

Q Is there any other location of the hospital in Greenville?

The Ben Secours is located at one more location in Greenville. It is named St. Francis Eastside (125 Commonwealth Drive Greenville, South Carolina 29615).
