
American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT)

AAPT empowers physics educators, from introductory physics to post graduate physics with an active community of teachers.

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AAPT® was established in 1930 with the fundamental goal of ensuring the “dissemination of knowledge of physics, particularly by way of teaching.” Founders, Homer L. Dodge, Paul E. Klopsteg, and William S. Webb, led the effort to organize the first association dedicated to improving physics education. Today that vision is supported by members around the world.

The AAPT Executive Office works closely with the Executive Board and member volunteers to manage the operations, carry out directives, and create and uphold general association policies. The Executive Office represents the Association at public venues. It provides leadership and services for all AAPT activities and programs. The Executive Office further manages all external grant projects on behalf of AAPT.

Contact the Executive Office if you have questions about any of the Association’s programs and services.

The full Staff Contact page requires that you verify your membership. To do so, please sign in with your credentials.

If you are an active member but are unable to sign in, please contact the AAPT webmaster for assistance. If you need to retrieve your password or account, please see the Help page.

AAPT is the premier global professional society established to advance the greater good through physics education. With the support of our members worldwide, AAPT is an action-oriented organization designed to develop, improve, and promote best practices for physics education as part of the global need for qualified Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics teachers who will inspire tomorrow’s leaders and decision-makers.

Dedicated to Your Professional Success

AAPT® is a strong professional physics science society dedicated to the pursuit of excellence in physical science education.

Want to know more about AAPT’s mission, history, goals, and organizational structure? Try some of the pages below for more information on the association and how to get involved!

  • AAPT News- Read press releases & archived news about AAPT, topics related to physics education, and AAPT members.
  • Calendar of Events- See what’s upcoming with AAPT programs and partner organizations.
  • Job Opportunities- Read more about current job openings.
  • Mission- Read more about our goals & mission statement.
  • History- How did AAPT get its start? What has AAPT been doing for over 75 years?
  • Organization- View information about committees, the Executive Board, staff, and more.
  • Strategic Plan
  • Reports- Read organizational reports including financials and our annual report.
  • Contact- Find out how to reach the national office, from membership to programs and beyond.
Winter and Summer National Meetings

These National Meetings, held each winter and summer, are opportunities for members, colleagues, and future physicists from around the world to:

  • participate in physics workshops
  • Meet and greet other physics educators
  • form networks nationally and locally
  • engage exhibitors and learn about the latest physics resources
  • discuss innovations in teaching methods
  • Share the results of research about teaching and learning.

AAPT® also hosts or supports smaller workshops and conferences and symposia throughout the year to provide further opportunities for professional development and knowledge sharing.
