
Abbeville Area Medical Center

Abbeville Area Medical Center

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The Abbeville Medical center was established in May 1919. At Abbeville Area Medical Center, we are dedicated to improving the health of the communities we serve by assisting our patients and their families with finding the care and resources they need to meet their needs. Our organization and its employees provide support and leadership to a wide variety of programs, service organizations, and events throughout our area that focus on healthy living. This hospital is located in the Abbeville City of South Carolina and offers various services like Behavioral Health, Diabetes, Flu, Colon cancer, Cardiology & Heart surgery, Endocrinology & Diabetes, Neurosurgery& Neurology, Lung Surgery, Lung Surgery, Pulmonology, General Surgery, Industrial Medicine, Radiology & Laboratory, Reflux Surgery, Nephrology. They also offer various services, resources, financial aid assistance, and insurance policies to the patients visiting the hospital.


Q what services is being provided by the Abbeville Area Medical Center?

It mainly provides services in the field of Behavioral Health, Diabetes, Flu, Colon cancer, Cardiology & Heart surgery, Endocrinology & Diabetes, Neurosurgery& Neurology, Lung Surgery, Lung Surgery, Pulmonology, General Surgery, Industrial Medicine, Radiology & Laboratory, Reflux Surgery, Nephrology.

Q How the appointment can be booked?

The appointment at the Abbeville Area Medical Center can be booked either by calling the registered number or from the website.
